Coronavirus and Siloam

The Coronavirus has fundamentaly altered our society in ways which were unimaginable just a few short weeks ago. We are witnessing an unprecedented moment in which sporting events, concerts, travel, and day-to-day commerce are being disrupted. The Governor of Kentucky is even calling for churches to cancel services for the next few weeks. So how should we respond?

Fear not!

The reports of fist fights over toilet paper reveal to us how thin is the veneer of our polite society. As believers we operate from a different point of view altogether. Our decisions are not driven by fear but by the clear-eyed understanding that God holds all things in His hands. None of this has taken Him by surprise and we can move confidently into the uncertainty of the coming days, knowing that our God will provide for our every need (yes, even toilet paper).

Love one another!

This is a wonderful moment for us to demonstrate the love of Christ to each other. Let us care intentionally and deeply for each other in these days. I urge you to make the extra effort to check on our elderly and sick. Go out of your way to serve those who are in need. If you are one who is in need, do not hesitate to reach out to your church family. We have a responsibility to care for each other. Let us be diligent in carrying out this joyful task.

Loving one another also has some very practical and simple actions like:

  • Wash your hands
  • If you are feeling bad, please don’t come and share your illness with those who are gathered.
  • Offer the “right elbow of Christian fellowship” – as much as we love to shake hands or offer hugs, it is the better part of wisdom for us to refrain for this season.

Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together (Hebrews 10:24-25).

In the coming weeks our gatherings may need to be altered, but we will not cease to come together as a church. Circumstances may require that we gather in smaller groups or perhaps in different locations, but it is vital that we continue to worship, pray, study God’s Word, and eat together as a gathered church. For those who cannot join us, or should not join us, during this season, it is vital that we connect with them through cards, letters, phone conversations and other acts of care. We are exploring ways to distribute teaching and preaching electronically or in a printed format.

For some, “coming to church” may be a patently un-wise decision in the next few weeks. There are some among us who are immunocompromised due to sickness or treatments they are undergoing. While we love seeing them among us, for this season, it may be best for them to stay away and allow us to minister to them in other ways.

Another vital part of our coming together is the act of worship and stewardship through giving. The app is a wonderful way for you to participate in this act of worship even if you are not able to be present.

Be ready to “share the reason for the hope that is in you.” (I Peter 3:15)

There are individuals in your sphere of influence who are deeply troubled in these unusual times. Some of them do not have the confidence of knowing they belong to God and you will have opportunity to share with them why you are not responding in fear. Perhaps this will be an opportunity for you to share the gospel with one who, until this moment of crisis, was unwilling to hear. Be sensitive to God’s timing and be prepared to share when the opportunity arises.

To recap. Do not be afraid. Be wise. Love each other. Gather as the church. Share the hope that is in you. See you at the meeting house!


man wearing suit inside the room
Photo by Heorhii Heorhiichuk on

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